It’s cold and flu season; here are some tips to help you sucessfully fight the common cold. Follow my protocol to fight off the common cold naturally.
Covid-19 is just a cold for most of us according to the NY Times . According to the NY Times, most people are treating Covid-19 as a normal cold according to the NY Times.
High fat foods such as cheese, butter and whole milk are good for us according to the latest research. High-fat foods such as cheese, butter, and whole milk are good for us according to the latest research. In the 1980’s we were all told to eat low-fat foods due to cholesterol and health concerns. This resulted in the food industry loading up the foods with sugar and fillers to make them taste good, while many American’s became less healthy and some developed diabetes. If you love butter, cheese, and Read More
Vitamin D may be a key ingredient your body needs to recover from Covid19 according to USA Today. Vitamin D may be a key ingredient your body needs to recover from Covid19 according to USA Today. On our Covid19 blog, I discussed a study that had shown that people who were vitamin D deficient had a more difficult time dealing with the effects of Covid19. Vitamin D is important for immune system function and especially important for preventing the acute respiratory stress caused by the Covid19. Genetics may Read More