Cross Training – New information doubts effectiveness in reducing training injuries

Cross Training – New information doubts effectiveness in reducing training injuries

For those who train for marathons, triathlons or other endurance related events, you may wish to read this article, based on something that was recently published in the NY times. Apparently, Cross training does not have the effectiveness in preventing training injuries as previously thought.

The real problem is, this is just another one size fits all solution to avoiding injury that doesn’t. The real culpret is body style. We are not all built efficiently for athletic competition! That being said, in our office, we work with many athletes who are not necessarily ideal body style wise, but with understanding their body mechanics, the proper use of things such as foot orthotics and even foam rollers, many of our patients not only succeed but become competitive forces to be reckoned with. In other words, we cheat mother nature (which is incidentally the title of my book that will be on Amazon this September). Read the article and let me kinow what you think.

Cross Training – New information doubts effectiveness in reducing training injuries

The Cross-Training Debate
Editor at Large Amby Burfoot can’t decide if he liked a recent New York Times piece on cross-training, or if it missed the mark. “I certainly agree,” he writes, “that cross-training, like virtually everything else from stretching to core training to yoga, has been over-hyped.”

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