Tag: mens health

Chest pain, heart attacks, and why most doctors are unable to properly diagnose why you hurt.

Chest pain, heart attacks, and why most doctors are unable to properly diagnose why you hurt. Statistically, only 5% of those who are having chest pain are having a heart attack when they visit the emergency room.   After a battery of tests and costs, you are likely told that you have muscle spasms or you may not get a diagnosis at all. This information was recently reported by Men’s Health who investigated a recent study that involved 223 medical offices in the U.K.   You can read about this study here. The truth is that while some patients do eventually have Read More »

Men’s Health and Consumer Reports recently endorsed chiropractic for back pain and more

Men’s Health and Consumer Reports recently endorsed chiropractic for back pain and more The last couple of months has been filled with publications that suggest chiropractic should be your first choice professional for back problems and many other painful conditions.   Last February, the Annals of Internal Medicine told healthcare providers to say no to drugs for back pain and yes to about anything else with evidence-based suggestions recommendations on which treatments may work.   This was an acknowledgment that medications are being overused and causing harm to those who seek help, with Opioids grabbing the most headlines this past year.   It Read More »

Tips on preventing blisters from Men’s Health Magazine.

Tips on preventing blisters from Men’s Health Magazine. If you have ever had blisters on your feet, or on your heel, you know how painful it can be. Blisters occur from motion and rubbing, and the friction causes the layers between the skin to separate, and often, fluid builds up in the blister. The trick is to reduce the rubbing and motion in your shoe which will reduce the likelihood of a blister ever developing.  For those who already have a blister, applying moleskin can help since it adheres to the skin over the blister and the rubbing if it Read More »