Tag: pain management

The AMA and other leading medical organizations are urging that insurance cover non pharmacologic methods for pain relief.

The AMA and other leading medical organizations are urging that insurance cover non pharmacologic methods for pain relief. The problem with Opioids is a failure to manage pain.   While pain management is a priority in hospitals and part of hospital and physician culture, the problem with management has a lot to do with the diagnosis and where that diagnosis leads. The truth is that non medical providers are better trained at evaluating and treating chronic pain.  Consumer Reports often cites chiropractic management as having some of the highest levels of satisfaction from patients, yet insurers continue to pay more for Read More »

Has the funding formula for hospitals contributed to the Opioid epidemic?

Has the funding formula for hospitals contributed to the Opioid epidemic? Recent information suggests that the Opioid problem has been created in doctors offices.   There are many story’s concerning patients who had pain,  visited their doctor, and were given a medication for the problem.   Sometimes, that medication was an Opioid and it was given for years by dentists and many other types of providers. The problem is, some patients found that after a week, they were already showing signs of becoming addicted to the medication.   Apparently, hospitals may have been a larger contributor to the Opioid problem that originally thought, Read More »

Can Chiropractic Prevent Some Types of Arthritis?

Can Chiropractic Prevent Some Types of Arthritis? This question is asked frequently by patients visiting chiropractors. To answer this question, let’s first talk about, “what is arthritis?” The word “arthritis” is derived from “arth-” meaning “joint” and “-itis” meaning “inflammation.” Hence, arthritis is basically swelling in the joint. Many types of arthritis have been identified – in fact, over 100! Some types of arthritis are primary (not caused by anything that can be identified), while others are secondary to a disease or other condition. The 9 most common primary forms of arthritis are: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, gout, pseudogout, Read More »

FDA recommends tighter controls for prescription pain killers; its about time.

FDA recommends tighter controls for prescription pain killers; its about time. Prescription pain killers and their addictive side effects have been a problem of epidemic proportions because chronic pain is so misunderstood. The evidence that most chronic pain is due to mechanical problems of the body, yet the medical solutions are more about treat where it hurts rather than why and don’t forget to use something (pharmaceutical) to kill the pain. Those who have chronic pain are often labeled as having Fibromyalgia and unfortunately, most of those people believe it and find themselves taking Lyrica, instead of having their problems Read More »