Tag: rand corporation

Market forces are not working to curtail hospital prices which supports the discussion of Medicare for all.

Market forces are not working to curtail hospital prices which supports the discussion of Medicare for all. The NY times recently reported that some hospitals are charging 3-4 times the Medicare allowable rate for the same services, and there is no transparency on why the hospitals are charging what they do. Its no secret that healthcare prices in the USA are exorbitant, especially as hospital systems grow larger and are more difficult to negotiate with. There are numerous examples of hospitals in Indiana charging four times the Medicare rate or emergency rooms in Colorado charging eight times the Medicare rate. Read More »

The Rand Corporation and complimentary healthcare; Chiropractic is part of the cure for modern medicine.

The Rand Corporation and complimentary healthcare; Chiropractic is part of the cure for modern medicine. Modern medicine with its technologies is amazing in the ways it is able to help us live longer, and survive a damaged heart.   On the other hand, if you have an aching back, neck pain and most of the painful conditions many people are plagued with on a daily basis, they fail miserably, with their disease laden, high cost models that often have little consistent benefit. Even osteoarthritis is misunderstood by most doctors, who look at an x ray, tell you arthritis is the problem Read More »