Tag: surgical procedures

The surgical placebo effect; pills are not the only things to fool our minds through the placebo phenomenon

The surgical placebo effect; pills are not the only things to fool our minds through the placebo phenomenon According to the NY Times and other sources, a medication needs to prove that it works better than a fake drug when tested by the FDA. There are quite a few medications that have never passed this test, and thereby may never be approved for use. The mind is a powerful thing and often, it has a larger role on how we feel, how we improve and our impression of improvement when a treatment for a condition is recommended. It is the Read More »

Placebo effect, it is not just present in the use of medications but in medical procedures too says the NY Times

Placebo effect, it is not just present in the use of medications but in medical procedures too says the NY Times Most of us when we hear about the placebo effect, we think of a sugar pill that was given to us that helped us feel better, even though it offered no clinical effect. Apparently, this is true to some medical procedures too. In our practice, we have commonly seen this in procedures for the knee and ankle, where a surgery was done to prepare a torn meniscus or perhaps, a problem in the ankle and later on, the problem Read More »