Organically grown produce has a clear nutritional advantage according to a new study.

Organically grown produce has a clear nutritional advantage according to a new study.Organic-Farm

The idea behind our current farming methods is that it yields more and gives us food for the masses or does it?   Is it the quality of the food or the quantity of the food that is important?

In the USA, we clearly eat too much, and we eat many of the wrong things which is why there is such a problem with obesity in our country.  If you have ever visited Europe, it is quite likely that the food you ate may have been more flavorful, and delicious.   This may not just be because you are on vacation or in a fine restaurant, but due to the quality of the food, and the speed it gets to your restaurant from the garden it grew in.

Europeans do not like GMO food, and organic produce is quite common in Europe, while the portions of food are often smaller than what we get here, yet, according to the WHO, Europeans tend to be healthier.  Is it because of their healthcare which is socialized in most EU countries (possibly) or perhaps, the quality of the food and the portions are actually better?

In the USA, organic produce is more mainstream than ever, and large chains such as Walmart are making organic food more affordable than ever, as more farmers produce more food and we enjoy economies of scale.  Even Whole Foods has dropped prices on organic food, so the question is, why spend more for food grown organically?

A new study now shows we have a good reason to eat organically, since as the Europeans already know, organically grown food is indeed healthier and more full of nutrients than non-organically grown food and perhaps, smaller portions of the good stuff is likely more satisfying as well.

Check out this article that was recently presented on NPR’s web site

Is Organic More Nutritious? New Study Adds To The Evidence

Updated February 19, 2016

It’s often a split-second decision.

You’re in the produce aisle, and those organic apples on display look nice. You like the idea of organic “” but they’re a few bucks extra. Ditto for the organic milk and meat. Do you splurge? Or do you ask yourself: What am I really getting from organic?

Scientists have been trying to answer this question. And the results of a huge new meta-analysis published this week in the British Journal of Nutrition adds to the evidence that organic production can boost key nutrients in foods.

The study finds that organic dairy and meat contain about 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids. The increase is the result of animals foraging on grasses rich in omega-3s, which then end up in dairy and meats. The findings are based on data pooled from more than 200 studies, and research in the U.S. has pointed to similar benefits.

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