Tag: npr

A new idea by the Trump administration to reduce drug prices by eliminating middlemen.

A new idea by the Trump administration to reduce drug prices by eliminating middlemen Recently, both my daughter and my spouse needed to purchase medications that their doctors recommended for them. Our high deductible HSA plan includes drugs, but we need to reach the deductible first before the plan pays anything. One drug was an antibiotic and was quoted in generic form at over 200 dollars for the dose.   When I asked about the price, I was told that the brand name drug was even more expensive.  The other medication was more expensive for the generic than it was Read More »

Prevent back pain by bending over differently. How do other cultures that have fewer back problems do it according to NPR?

Are we bending over correctly to prevent back pain? How do other cultures do it? If you ever watch a baby do it, they are more likely to squat then bend over.   Other cultures squat which is thought to keep the knees, hips and lower back’s healthier, but they also bend over differently than we do as well. In America and many western societies, we tend to bend over rather than squatting and we have a relatively high incidence of lower back pain in our society which may be a result of these activities.   Other problems common to Read More »

Shoulder impingement surgery is a popular procedure that doesn’t work according to a new study. 3 things you can do now to get relief without surgery.

Shoulder impingement surgery is a popular procedure that doesn’t work says a new study.  3 things you can do now to get relief without surgery. Shoulder impingement surgery is a popular procedure that has been done for years.  According to a trial of more than 300 patients, published in The Lancet that the procedure is not effective at relieving shoulder pain. In the U.K., 21,000 of these procedures are done yearly as reported by The Telegraph News in the U.K. The subacromial decompression procedure was thought to relieve the pressure and rubbing on the supraspinatus tendon that may be compressed Read More »

Organically grown produce has a clear nutritional advantage according to a new study.

Organically grown produce has a clear nutritional advantage according to a new study. The idea behind our current farming methods is that it yields more and gives us food for the masses or does it?   Is it the quality of the food or the quantity of the food that is important? In the USA, we clearly eat too much, and we eat many of the wrong things which is why there is such a problem with obesity in our country.  If you have ever visited Europe, it is quite likely that the food you ate may have been more flavorful, Read More »

NPR wonders why we would shop for a couch but are willing to pay an outrageous price for a medical service.

NPR wonders why we would shop for a couch but are willing to pay an outrageous price for a medical service. Why is it we are willing to visit a few stores to get the best deal on a television or a couch, but when you want to purchase a health care service such as a blood test, or an MRI, most of us just go, and then wait to find out how much it would cost us when we got our insurance bill. Of course, some healthcare services such as rehab, your local therapist, or your chiropractor are not Read More »