

Dear. Dr. Charschan, I want to thank you for helping me recuperate from my injury. When I first came to your office in March, I could barely walk.  Going from being a runner that was running 70-90 miles weekly to feeling so crippled that I could barely walk was so very frustrating. I had severe pain in the hip and in several places in my legs and feet. You often amazed me in how you would treat some of my problems. For example, my foot would hurt and you would find a problem in my upper leg that would make the foot pain go away.  I am now happy to say that I am back happily running again. My speed and mileage are also picking up with every week. My body feels like a miracle took place. Thank you again.

- Heather Colleen Villemaire

Dear Dr. Charschan: I wish I had found you sooner. After 20 years of neck problems I can finally say that my neck movement and lack of discomfort is the best it has ever been. I now wake up in the morning without the soreness I had experienced for all those years. I thank you very much and must add that I am happily surprised that this was accomplished in approximately three months.

- Alan H. Fox

Dear Dr. Charschan: For the past three years I have been suffering from lower back pain. I had been going to a chiropractor but the treatments were not helping. Being that I was injured from sports, I decided to try a sports chiropractor. My father had found Dr. Charschan through the insurance company and about one week later, I started going. Within three visits I felt better than I had in years. I have been going to Dr. Charschan for the past two months on a steady basis. I am just about cured and able to bowl the way I did years ago. Thanks to him and his treatments, I will hopefully never suffer from back pain again.

- Jennifer Russo

Over the last twenty years or so I became accustomed to living with chronic discomfort and loss of mobility in my neck and shoulder area. When I sought treatment in the past the improvements were negligible and temporary.  Because the condition worsened gradually I didn’t realize h~ much I was adapting to the loss of motion. I forgot what it felt like to be able to turn my head instead of my whole body when I needed to put the car into reverse. In just a few weeks of treatment with Dr. Charschan, I have had tremendous improvement-.greatly increased mobility and diminished discomfort. In addition, I no longer get the frequent headaches that had been bothering me. It is very satisfying to experience such a dramatic improvement in such a short period and I am looking forward to continued progress.

- Donna Coleman

I had experienced neck pain at different times in my life. It would suddenly appear (due to, I assumed, “sleeping funny”), and would go away on its own after a week or so. The last time I had the pain, it was so bad that I couldn’t move my head or neck. My mother urged me to see Dr. Charschan. I was quite hesitant at first, thinking that once I began going to a chiropractor, I would need to continue going for the rest of my life. Well, needless to say, my first visit with Dr. Charschan proved me wrong. Dr. Charschan met me at his office at approximately 10:30 on a Friday night. I thought that was incredibly kind of him, as well as incredibly surprising. I don’t know of any doctor that would do such a thing.  Anyway, he took some x-rays and adjusted me, and then told me exactly what was wrong with me, exactly what he would do to remedy it, and exactly how long it would take. I was stunned! I always assumed chiropractic care meant repeated visits spanning the rest of the patient’s life, but it doesn’t. Realizing that has been quite an advantage for me, because now I don’t have the pain in my neck anymore, I can move my head more than when I first began, and I don’t have to worry about in much more dire circumstances later on in life. That, along with all of the education Dr. Charschan passes on to his patients, has made my life free from pain.

- Mark Schmidt

About three years ago I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by an orthopedist. He put my wrist in a night cast and a wrist support during the day. He told me if this did not help I would need surgery. As time passed not only did my right wrist get worse, my left wrist started to hurt also. My livelihood consists of typing on the computer, and I needed pain free wrists. I stalled long enough and did not want surgery. When I heard of Dr. Charschan and his technique with Active Release I was skeptical because I had been to chiropractors before and did not have satisfactory results. Before surgery I decided to try this technique. Much to my surprise this method worked. Today both wrists are pain free, can type all day without any discomfort. Now that my wrists are pain free, I decided to continue to visit Dr. Charschan for helping my neck and back with this same technique.

- Donna Lebowitz

I found Dr. Charschan through my primary care doctor. My chiropractor retired last year and I was looking for someone new. I came to Dr. Charschan wound like a golf ball with vestibular issues from being so tightly wound. Dr. Charschan has been unwinding me. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. He’s very intuitive about the human body and its mechanics. I think he’s very gifted. Not your average chiropractor at all. My doctor described him as a “body mechanic” and that is how I would describe him too. As long as I can always get an appointment, I would highly recommend him.

- Lisa H

Actually read Charschan’s book a couple years ago, although I could probably re-read it as I’ve forgotten some things. For a couple years now I’ve been dealing with chronic foot pain as well as occasional back, neck, and knee pain. After multiple treatments with other doctors failed me I finally broke down and made the flight here (from Denver) and saw him yesterday. Went ahead and saw him again today at his home office as well. It’s early in my treatment but I already feel looser, and more upright, foot pain greatly reduced. Charschan uses a cutting edge approach looking at whole-body mechanics. For example, in my case pain in the foot was caused by poor alignment in my hips, back, and neck. It’s early in my treatment and I’ll try to have an updated review in a couple weeks, but right now I feel Charschan’s treatment is potentially life-changing. If you’ve tried everything else and you’re still in pain give Charschan a try. Better yet, if the pain just started consider going to Charschan first and saving yourself a lot of hassle.

- Doug C

I’ve been going here for about two months now. I feel like a new man. My hips and back were both hurting bad before I started going to him. Now I workout without pain. Also my shoulder is torn so I decided to rehab it instead surgery. The rehab is going well. My shoulder is much better. I recommend his services 100%.

- Natasha F.

Dr. Bill has been awesome with his insight and logical approach towards helping me. He doesn’t just look at the problem area but what is the source causing the discomfort. That is a very rare Dr. in today’s world. Thank you Dr. Bill

- Christopher L.