Tag: obesity

The problem with the BMI (Body Mass Index) for determining obesity.

The problem with the BMI (Body Mass Index) for determining obesity. The BMI has been a one-size-fits-all gospel idea that unless we are within a certain range, we may be unhealthy in weight and size. As many of us are realizing, one size fits all healthcare doesn’t and someone can be heavier, and more muscular but have a higher body mass index that is out of sync with how healthy they are. The national institutes of health offer their calculator here https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm Enter your weight and height and it will tell you whether you are overweight or not. BMI Categories: Read More »

Here are two reasons behind the obesity epidemic you may never have heard of.

Here are two reasons behind the obesity epidemic you may never have heard of. What do you think of when obesity comes to mind? People overeating?  Poorly choosing what to eat?  Not getting enough exercise?  Poor gut health? An article recently published in The conversation Health and Medicine suggest that it may be as simple as salt and water. According to the author, a desert sand rat may hold important clues as to why not enough water combined with too much salt results in obesity. Could this be why so many diets have us drinking so much water?   For those Read More »

Obesity increases cancer risk according to the NY Times.

Obesity increases cancer risk according to the NY Times. More younger American’s are overweight resulting in future costly health problems.  True, many children do not get the same level of activity many adults once had.  This may be partially due to how we bring up our children, what we allow them to eat and how we use food as a method to keep them busy when they are very young. Snacking habits are part of the problem in the USA, since many of the snacks our children have eaten have poor nutritional value. When these habits visit countries like Brazil, Read More »

Something scary; The sugar industry has distorted health science for the last 50 years according to Vox science and health.

Something scary; The sugar industry has distorted health science for the last 50 years according to Vox science and health. Diabetes has become a huge problem in the USA, as well as obesity where all roads lead to sugar, whether in the form of simple carbohydrates (breads, pastas) or outright sugar such as candies, soft drinks and processed foods. Heart disease also has links to sugar as well. American’s are slowly awakening to the problems caused by sugar, and some areas of the country such as NYC have even tried to tax soda due to its affects on our health. Read More »

Weight loss surgery; before investing thousands on expensive and risky surgeries, do this first according to the NY Times

Weight loss surgery; before investing thousands on expensive and risky surgeries, do this first according to the NY Times Obesity is a huge problem in our country.  Many of us have tried different weight loss regimens only to find out that either the weight does not come off easily or no matter how we try, we still go back to our own compulsions with food, with its bad habits. There is growing evidence that carbohydrates are at the root of the problem.  There is growing evidence that the problem with obesity has a lot to do with carbohydrate addiction which Read More »