Chiropractic and lower back pain

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According to Optum health, medical evidence supports visiting a chiropractor first for lower back pain.   Chiropractors offer relief of pain and a return to function without the use of drugs, expensive tests or risky medical procedures. Having an x-ray or an MRI for lower back pain or sciatic pain before a trial of care is not supported by today's current medical guidelines that were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2017. Back pain is a movement problem.  Chiropractors have unique tools to get you out of pain efficiently and cost-effectively, without the use of risky medications or invasive methods. Chiropractors improve movement by understanding your body, understanding the problem affecting how you move and using proven methods to restore movement and flexibility.  The holistic approach chiropractors use is unique in our healthcare system and may include:
  • Manipulation of the spine and extremities to improve how you move.
  • Corrective exercises to enhance how you move and retrain poor adaptive movement patterns.
  • Myofascial release or another soft tissue treatment to restore movement.
  • Foot orthotics to level the pelvis which improves mechanical function.
Consumer Reports gave high marks to chiropractic along with Men's health as well as many other trusted publications. A recent study performed at the Veterans Administration concluded "Combined care of chiropractic and medical care was more effective than "usual" medical care alone."  More recently, Dr. Cassoobhoy, who is the Senior Medical Director for WEBMD, a popular site people visit to do their own medical research said of this VA study "These findings support how important a multidisciplinary approach is to successfully treat low back pain"- Chiropractors are primary care for the musculoskeletal system. If your problem requires medical attention, your chiropractor will recommend someone who can help.

In pain?   We can help.  Check out my video below.

  Hello, I'm Dr. William Charschan, director of Charschan Chiropractic and Sports Injury Associates in No. Brunswick and Scotch Plains NJ and the author of Cheating Mother Nature, my new book on what you need to know to beat chronic pain Back pain is the single leading cause of disability in the world, across all cultures according to the World Health Organization. It is also the most common reason people visit doctors.

Many people wonder..What causes back pain?

Lower back pain can have numerous causes with the most common being mechanical. While there are many choices for who you can visit for a lower back problem, chiropractors received high marks from Consumer Reports, Bottom Line Personal, Men’s health, and many other periodicals when compared to other health professions. In February of 2017, the Annals of Internal Medicine study on back pain suggested that people try a number of different movement-based methods before taking drugs or having surgery.  Chiropractic is a profession that has always used many of its recommendations. People who choose chiropractic first are most likely to avoid costly MRIs, risky interventions, and medications.  Unlike medical pain management which is partially responsible for the opioid epidemic by using drugs and other risky procedures to manage pain. Chiropractors work on how you move and function, improving your back pain naturally with low risk.

What can you expect on your first visit

We perform a thorough history and evaluation including mobility of your back, your abilities to do certain activities, orthopedic tests and if necessary, an x-ray. Chiropractors are holistic, meaning they look at the whole person as well as their back.  This is very unique in healthcare, but essential when treating back pain. Chiropractors can also relieve disc problems, leg pain, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, numbness, neck problems, knee pain and even frozen shoulder. Treatment includes a combination of myofascial release to loosen the tight connective tissue known as fascia that surrounds muscles essential to movement, manipulation of the joints that are affected and exercises that retrain movement and restore flexibility and strength. Many patients also benefit from foot orthotics which can improve the way you move, walk and feel. Chiropractic care reduces pain and inflammation naturally. We are a simple one-stop-shop for the musculoskeletal system. Our goal is your goal; pain relief and a return to normal. Your first choice for lower back problems should be a chiropractor. We relieve pain naturally.

Feel better in as little as one visit, request an appointment today, you nothing to lose but your pain.