Eat chocolate for a better workout, some new research from the NY Times Eat chocolate for a better workout, some new research from the NY Times We work out for many reasons, including fun, to stay in shape, to work towards a race or just to look good by the pool. Some of us are obviously more competitive than others, and for those who like to work out hard, there is a sweet idea that you are going to like. It turns out Read More
Chocolate; a sweet way to improve your health. Chocolate; a sweet way to improve your health. The NY Times recently had this article in their weekend magazine. Chocolate; most of us crave it. It is in many snack products and Hershey became a huge international conglomerate selling their version of the stuff. The good news is that Chocolate has some serious health benefits too, including the ability to help lower cholesterol. Take a statin or eat a Hershey Read More
Phil Hossler, the Certified Athletic Trainer at E. Brunswick High School and Chocolate Milk for faster athletic recovery Phil Hossler, the Certified Athletic Trainer at E. Brunswick High School and Chocolate Milk for faster athletic recovery My friend, Phil Hossler who is well known in the certified athletic trainer community as well as among E. Brunswick High School students was chosen to help promote milk as a natural way of staying healthy. Check out this commercial featuring Phil and how he uses milk for faster athletic recovery
Chocolate and Your Heart – Some delicious news A recent study published in the NY Times yesterday ( that people who had an average of six grams of chocolate per day — or about one square of a chocolate bar — had a 39 percent lower risk of either a heart attack or stroke as per a new study to be published Wednesday in the European Heart Journal. My wife will love the implications of this study since Read More
My trip to Colombia with photos and more. My trip to Colombia with photos and more. When many people think of Colombia, the term Narco comes to mind due to the problems in the 1980s and ’90s with the drug trade that enriched drug lords and terrorized the country. The problems eventually came to an end with a political agreement signed in 2016 between the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ) and President Ron Manuel Santos. While Read More
Are rice cakes part of a healthy meal? Are rice cakes part of a healthy meal? If you like rice cakes as I do, they can be a healthy alternative to bread or sandwich fixings. Adding avocado, peanut butter, and other items can add additional nutritiousness to them and be part of a healthy meal. Things to be aware of are flavorings and other things that can add artificial flavorings, sodium, and other things that are less than Read More
Aspirin for preventing a first heart attack is no more; Here’s a healthier alternative. Aspirin for preventing a first heart attack is no more; Here’s a healthier alternative. Healthcare by committee can have unhealthy consequences. The side effects of taking a daily aspirin have become well known and now the committee who made the original recommendation for the health of it is telling us to stop, since the practice places us at risk. The US Preventative Services Task Force which is an independent volunteer Read More
Why are we so addicted to carbohydrates and why is it so hard to break the addiction? Why are we so addicted to carbohydrates and why is it so hard to break the addiction? Many of us are addicted to carbohydrates without even knowing it. Years ago, sugar manufacturers were successful at marketing many sweet products that were high in sugar and were irresistible. If you remember Karo syrup, or Bosco chocolate syrup, or other products such as captain crunch, these products likely got you addicted. Carbohydrates Read More
Forget the juice boxes filled with sugar water; here’s what scientists think your young children should be drinking. Forget the juice boxes filled with sugar water; here’s what scientists think your young children should be drinking. It is amazing we survived childhood, when I look at the current recommendations scientists suggest for feeding our young children. For years, Cheerios were given to children to munch on and keep them occupied until recently when we began to find out that the highly processed food contained Glyphosate which is an Read More
Is Magnesium a Miracle Mineral for Chronic Pain? A guest post. Is Magnesium a Miracle Mineral for Chronic Pain? A guest post. Whether you get cramps often, or you suffer from backache, your problem may lie in magnesium deficiency. This valuable mineral can be found in many different kinds of food, ranging from fruit and vegetables to nuts and even dark chocolate. However, it seems that, for many of us, this simply isn’t enough. How do we increase magnesium intake Read More
10+ Reasons Why You Need a Ketogenic Diet! A Guest Post 10+ Reasons Why You Need a Ketogenic Diet! A Guest Post Many believe that high-fat foods aren’t great for health and may increase your levels of cholesterol, which in turn, would increase the risks of heart attack and other diseases. The Ketogenic diet states otherwise – and is scientifically backed. A high fat, protein-rich diet low in carbohydrates, it is used to burn fats faster and more effectively and in Read More
What is harming the American economy according to Warren Buffet, founder of Berkshire Hathaway? What is harming the American economy according to Warren Buffet, founder of Berkshire Hathaway? Warren Buffet is arguably the most famous investor in the United States, and thousands flock to his home town to see his yearly address. His company owns GEICO, railroads, a chocolate company (Sees Candy) as well as other major companies. When Warren talks, the press listens and reports his every word. Recently, Warren talked about his opinion Read More