A story of type 2 diabetes reversal; how a former police captain reversed the disease and took his life back.

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A story of type 2 diabetes reversal; how a former police captain reversed the disease and took his life back.

Imagine developing abdominal pain out of nowhere and then finding out that it was caused by diabetes, a disease you never knew you developed.   This is what happened to a former police captain (now the Brooklyn Borough President) who loved sugar, was clearly overweight and out of shape.

The diabetes was a wakeup call for him. He made huge changes in his lifestyle, his diet, and worked on his level of fitness regularly.  He also saw that sugary drinks were removed from his place of work as well.

For those who have been diagnosed, there is hope because diabetes is a metabolic disease and in many of us who develop it later in life, a drastic malfunction in our body requires a drastic change in how we live.

Apparently, he got the message and got his sugar under control naturally, by undoing what caused the disease in the first place.  Check out this great NY Times story. The message here is that where there is a will, there is a way.   This is a better path for most diabetes sufferers to follow if they can, especially since diabetes is the one disease that is most costly in our healthcare system.

An Inspiring Story of Weight Loss and Its Aftermath

By JANE E. BRODY JAN. 2, 2017

The adornments in the office of Eric L. Adams, the Brooklyn borough president, are hardly typical: a full-size refrigerator stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables; a work station where he prepares and blends these plant-based ingredients for his meals and snacks; and a convection oven and hot plate where he cooks them.
In an adjacent anteroom, there’s a stationary bike, 15-pound weights, a multipurpose fitness tower and a TRX suspension trainer hanging on the door. His laptop is mounted on a music stand so he can use it while working out on a mini-stepper.
Eight months ago, Mr. Adams learned during a health checkup for abdominal pain that he had Type 2 diabetes. He said his average blood sugar level was so high that the doctor was surprised he had not already lapsed into a coma. His hemoglobin A1C level — a lab test that shows the average level of blood glucose over the previous three months — was 17 percent, about three times normal. He wasted no time in tackling his disease with fervor. Spurning the American tendency to treat every ailment with medication, he instead explored the body’s ability to heal itself.