Advil pain relief is effective in the short term, but what should users know?

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Advil pain relief is effective in the short term, but what should users know?

A patient visited us with pain that was relieved by Advil.  While she knew that it helped her reduce her pain level, she mistakenly believed that it worked in the area of pain. The medication chemically worked on the mechanism behind her pain, rather than the reason she hurt.  She felt and moved markedly better after having her adjustment and muscle work done.

What does a pain reliever do to relieve pain?

Advil, also known as ibuprofen, has been an effective pain reliever for years.  It is also called a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) pain reliever. It is also known by the brands Nuprin or Motrin.

While it does relieve pain, it does nothing to solve the problem causing the pain.  According to the Australian website Healthdirect., it works on one of the body’s chemical pathways for pain. It reduces your body’s ability to make prostaglandins — these are the natural chemicals that trigger pain, inflammation, and fever.

With fewer prostaglandins in your body, pain and inflammation are reduced, and your fever goes down.

Downsides of NSAID use.

The downside of NSAIDs and Advil pain relief as a treatment is that the drug will interfere with healing however, for short-term pain, they can be quite effective and safe to use. It is not appropriate for the treatment of a condition in the long term as it will make an acute condition more chronic and difficult to resolve.

In a recent article in the NY Times, they warn about its effect on the liver, stomach, and kidneys and the problems with drug interactions while people are under medical care for other conditions.

In an older article we published, Anthony Rosner, a well-known researcher offers his own take on the safety and effectiveness of the drug, and the problems associated with the delay of care from symptom relief, associated with the long-term damage associated with the drug usage.

The problem of chronicity

When problems are improperly treated, and NSAID use is substituted for a proper diagnosis, counseling, and care, joint damage occurs.   Perhaps, this is why there are so many people going for pain management who could have avoided this by having their problems properly diagnosed and treated.

Pain management is not problem-solving, but many painful problems become more painful and chronic as their mechanical dysfunctions develop into diseased joints, while organ damage occurs long term.

The opioid epidemic was a warning that this approach is problematic and that long-term use caused dependency.

In the case of NSAIDs, the joint damaged from years of dysfunction is not reversible, resulting in procedures, and joint replacements which carry their own risk.

A better, natural approach proven to help reduce pain and improve the quality of your life.

As we age, our bodies change.  Early diagnosis of foot problems that may result in back problems later in life has its benefits.   Children should be screened not only for scoliosis but for body asymmetry from the ground up.   This simple extra step can prevent many chronic problems later in life with minor early interventions such as foot orthotics for example.

Seeing a chiropractor early on can improve the way you move as children and as adults.  The is growing evidence that many of the pains we experience such as back, knee, neck, shoulder, or foot pain improve as we move better.  The chiropractic profession through the use of joint manipulation, soft tissue techniques holistic evaluation, and history taking is an important first step towards living life pain-free.   Exercises are used to improve function and are given for work at home and to give the patient tools for self-management.

Care is individualized to the patient using treat-test-treat protocols which is the most efficient way of determining your course of treatment.  This is compared to the segmented approach of a specialist for everything which is costly, often ineffective, and uses a one-size-fits-all approach to evaluation and treatment.

In the musculoskeletal system, one size doesn’t fit all as we are all shaped differently, have different sexes, and have different genetic backgrounds and body styles.   Your reason for hurting is not someone else’s with the same symptoms.

Better diagnosis yields better results, fewer expensive tests, and faster results in many patients.

Keep it simple; think chiropractic first instead of Advil pain relief.   Need help now?  Book online here.