Bad carb; good carb and the cancer connection according to Popular Science

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Bad carb; good carb and the cancer connection according to Popular Science

What should we eat and what should we stay away from.  In general, eating healthy and in moderation works well and the Mediterranean diet seems to work best.

If you believe and follow all the studies, you would not know what to do but there is a growing body of evidence that sugar from food that has the wrong types of carbs will feed cancer cells.

This article suggests that the bad carbs, like the refined sugars and refined wheat is most likely to increase our cancer risk.

Check out the article here


By Alexandra Ossola Posted April 6, 2016

Scientists have long known that foods can raise or lower a person”™s risk for developing cancer. But unraveling which foods can lead to which cancers””and for what kinds of patients””has been anything but easy. The most obvious example was the World Health Organization”™s recent declaration that eating processed meats can increase a person”™s risk of colorectal cancer. Now it seems that some types of carbohydrates and sugars might also increase a person”™s cancer risk; people who regularly consumed sugary drinks were three times more likely to develop prostate cancer, and processed carbohydrates like those found in pizza and hamburgers doubled their risk. The researchers presented their work yesterday at this year”™s Experimental Biology meeting.

The researchers have tracked the diets of over 3,000 volunteers since 1991. Periodically, they gave participants questionnaires about the types of foods they usually ate, then ranked their foods based on whether the carbohydrates were “œgood” (legumes, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, whole grains) or “œbad” (processed meats, sugary soft drinks, fruit juices). Then they compared the participants’ food sources to their cancer rates, controlling for a number of factors.
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