Can you have too much protein and are there side effects according to the NY Times?

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Can you have too much protein and are there side effects according to the NY Times?

People who are active need a lot of protein to make sure they do not experience a muscular breakdown during exercise.   While it is true that we metabolize protein differently when we are older, and may require more, how much and what type of protein-based amino acids are necessary, and how much is too much.

There are many types of protein, and many people are using protein shakes, from different sources.  According to the NY Times, you must be careful to make sure you do not overdose protein, as it can affect some of the organs in the body, yet not others.

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Can You Get Too Much Protein?


Protein has achieved a venerated status in the dietary world for everything from building muscle to preventing weight gain. But can you get too much of a good thing?

Protein powders that come in chocolate, strawberry, and cookies and cream flavors are doled out by the scoopful and mixed into smoothies, making it possible to effortlessly consume protein in amounts that far exceed dietary recommendations. A canned protein drink can contain almost as much protein as an eight-ounce steak, and snack bars or a small bag of protein chips can pack more of the macronutrient than a three-egg omelet.

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