Is cheese good for you? Check out Wired Magazine’s evidenced-based article.

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Is cheese good for you? Check out Wired Magazine’s evidence-based article.

When we think of cheese, we think of a heavy gooey calorie-laden food that is a guilty pleasure and is not good for us.

Many foods high in fat have been given a bad reputation and over time, science shows us that these fats are actually good for us.

While avocados are a fat leaden food, it was given a scientific clean bill of health, but cheese has yet to receive the same treatment.

Current evidence suggests that when eaten on a cheese board, cheese is actually good for us and may reduce cognitive decline. Also, people in Europe who eat a lot of cheese are not necessarily heavier or in poor health.   It is more about what we eat and how we consume it.

Cheese served on pizza with other fattening ingredients, or on a hamburger offers a meal high in fat and also high in calories.   This is obviously not a good dietary daily practice.

Processed cheese such as American is leaden with chemicals and salt which is also not very good for us.   On the other hand, aged cheese is good for our diets and does not have preservatives, as cheese is naturally preserved.

Check out this great article I found in Wired Magazine which offers some research and some great insight into the health benefits of cheese.

Great News, America: Cheese Isn’t Bad for You

Don’t feel sheepish reaching for that manchego. Cheese doesn’t deserve its unhealthy reputation.


CHEESE IS AMONG the ultimate guilty pleasures. It’s gooey. It’s fatty. It’s delicious. It just has to be bad for you, right?

Wrong. A large body of research suggests that cheese’s reputation as a fattening, heart-imperiling food is undeserved. When it comes to weight and other key health outcomes (and setting aside the issue of lactose intolerance, with apologies), cheese is neutral at worst, and possibly even good for you. And yet that research doesn’t seem to have broken through into common knowledge. If you Google “cheese,” the top result under “people also ask” is the ungrammatical query “Why cheese is bad for you?” Now, if you’re the type of person who’s thinking, “What’s the big deal? I eat what I like, in moderation, and don’t worry about calories”—congratulations, I’m happy for you, we have lots of great articles about science and tech you might enjoy. If, on the other hand, you’re like me and worry that your diet is making you gradually fatter, keep reading.

The best evidence for the benign impact of cheese comes from long-term cohort studies that tracked the health and eating habits of tens or hundreds of thousands of people. A 2011 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine analyzed three cohorts that together tracked 120,877 US adults over several decades. The authors found that foods like potatoes, processed meats, and refined grains were associated with weight gain over time, while yogurt, fruit, and nuts were associated with weight loss. Cheese was right in the middle: On average, eating more or less of it had essentially no effect on weight.

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