Digestive issues? Here are some recommendations from Consumer Reports to help you help yourself. Digestive problems can lead to bloating, gassiness, and chronic inflammation. The question is; are your problems digestive in nature or musculoskeletal? This is hard for most people to figure out because the healthcare system that sends us from specialist to specialist fails miserably when it comes to ruling out musculoskeletal problems of the abdominal muscles or fascia. The system has simply ignored the fact that 55% of the body systems are musculoskeletal and in allopathy, they look at the symptoms you have through a narrow lens. The truth is, many of those who are given a diagnosis of IBS may have real systemic issues caused by Crohn’s, coeliac disease, reflux, food allergies or sensitivities, and even birth control pills. The simplest, evaluating the musculoskeletal system which requires diagnostic skill, asking the right questions while taking a history, and then not looking at the patient in a one-size-fits-all manner. Often, musculoskeletal problems may be part of the symptom complex and a thorough evaluation can eliminate unnecessary tests and treatments. When doctors do not know, they test. Many of the gastrointestinal tests routinely done in the absence of a musculoskeletal evaluation are negative, however, we pay a fortune for them. Your chiropractor can be helpful in considering these easy options first, especially when you have other chronic problems in the back, neck, shoulder, or other areas of the body. Everything is interconnected. I have treated many patients who had back problems and when the abdominal muscles were treated, their stomach symptoms markedly improved. Do the easy stuff first by keeping things simple. Often, gut problems can be caused by antibiotics which can be treated by acidophilus and Bifidus found in yogurt and many other fermented products. That, combined with the ingestion of green leafy veggies can lead to a healthy gut with fewer problems. Tests such as Alcat can help us find food sensitivities and show us a path to reducing them improving our overall health. Consumer Reports recently offered some advice on gut-healthy foods that can improve our digestive health. Check out the article below. Gut-Healthy Foods That Ease Digestive Problems Constipated? Bloated? The simple strategies to try. By Janet Lee August 24, 2023 When digestive problems—constipation, reflux, gas, and bloating—strike, many people turn to medication. But taking a look at your diet is worth the effort. “So many digestive complaints are related to food,” says Ilaria St. Florian, MS, a clinical dietitian at Stamford Health in Connecticut. Eating too little of the right things or too much of the foods that make your particular problem worse is often the culprit. Making some changes to your typical menu may help. Anyone can suffer from digestive problems, but they can become more common with age. Age-related shifts in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, reduced appetite and thirst, and difficulty chewing can hamstring the digestion process. Obviously, any alarming or chronic changes in digestion warrant a call to your doctor, but a few easy tweaks can help alleviate, and maybe prevent, occasional problems. Read more Would you like a chiropractic opinion? Book online here.