Dr. William Charschan Challenges Physicians To Reform Healthcare By Reducing Medical Tests

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Dr. William Charschan Challenges Physicians To Reform Healthcare By Reducing Medical Tests

Charschan believes that political action cannot reform healthcare and that patients have been sold a bill of goods by the healthcare monopoly. He believes reform must come from physicians themselves. This begins with a systems approach that will reduce the number of medical tests performed, resulting in dramatic savings for patients

[Scotch Plains, NJ April 18, 2012] Nearly everyone agrees its time to change the US healthcare system but, if left up to politicians, that change may never come. Dr. William Charschan, author of ‘Cheating Mother Nature, What You Need To Know To Beat Chronic Pain’, believes the system can only be changed from the inside out. That reform begins by changing the approach from one that concentrates on ‘symptoms’ to one that concentrates on ‘systems’.

“The big problems with healthcare costs,” stated Dr. Charschan, “are the blind spots in most doctors’ ‘diagnostic’ way of thinking. Many of the problems patients experience are really ‘parts of systems’ that are malfunctioning – not with a symptom disguising itself as the problem. The net effect of this approach is that we order too many tests because of holes in our understanding of how things work in the body. Most physicians are trained to see the micro (small issues and symptoms) and fail to see the big picture (why the symptoms actually exist). Physicians then are trained to classify the symptoms and attempt to ‘do something to it’.”

Most doctors who are studying specialties are not trained to think this way, and are instead trained to classify symptoms as separate diseases and practice based on disease theory within their specialty. Yet, in fact, the kidneys interact with other organs, the adrenals interact with other organs, the intestines interact with other organs. These organs are parts of systems. The musculoskeletal system, for instance, overlaps many of these systems; yet training in the functional diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system is glaringly absent from the medical curricula. It is a fact that problems in organ systems can show up as muscle pain and problems in the muscular and neurological systems can reflect organ malfunction. A lack of training, consideration and knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and its systemic integration leads to tests that are supposed to find the problem through process of elimination. Years later, other problems in other organs and systems may arise because the underlying causes of the person’s original problem were never discovered, but the offending part (gall bladder, for example) may have been removed.

Charschan has been called the ‘Steve Jobs of healthcare’. Charschan believes physicians must rethink the approach. “We need to rethink what we are doing,” he continued, “as cost cutting our way in the same paradigm, using the medical home or Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s) is lunacy, even if the model shifts to pay for results. We need a paradigm shift and a change in the model that ultimately needs to be a whole body model, versus our current specialist vs. generalist model. Doctors who spend the time to figure out a problem should be paid for it.”

“Doctors of all disciplines must begin to understand how problems develop and work on the mechanism and prevention of the disease process (versus our current model of throwing away or treating the individual parts that seemed to go bad). We should lean less on medication to reduce chronic problems, such as blood pressure; problems people have been taught to believe just happen and instead address the functional or systemic issue causing it whenever possible.”

Dr. Charschan is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below. ‘Cheating Mother Nature, What You Need To Know To Beat Chronic Pain’ is available from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble and wherever books are sold.

Dr. William D. Charschan, D.C., CCSP is a graduate of the National College of Chiropractic (now known as the National College of Health Sciences) located in Lombard, Illinois; Dr. Charschan also received his certification in sports injuries in 1991 at New York Chiropractic College. A Certified Sports Physician and the Medical Director for USA Track and Field New Jersey, Dr. Charschan is a licensed and board certified physician of chiropractic medicine with a background in mechanical engineering. Dr. Charschan is an avid explorer of safe, non-surgical, results oriented patient care and studied soft tissue and myofascial release treatments.

Dr Charschan is the author of ‘Cheating Mother Nature, What You Need To Know To Beat Chronic Pain’. He has written more than fifteen educational health and wellness brochures. He is a contributor to Dynamic Chiropractic and is actively involved in the ACA and NJ Sports Councils, is a Certified Sports Physician and serves as Medical Director for, USA Track and Field New Jersey. He has lectured on his diagnostic methods and treatment to the sports council at Palmer Chiropractic College, Association of NJ Chiropractors Sports Council. He is the creator of the Kinetic Chain Torture Test, used by many high school certified athletic trainers to screen their athletes. Dr. Charschan maintains two offices located in Scotch Plains, NJ and North Brunswick, NJ.

Dr William Charschan D.C., CCSP www.WhyPeopleHurt.com [email protected] 732-829-0009