Evidence-based ways to live longer according to the NY Times.

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Evidence-based ways to live longer according to the NY Times.

Living longer is part luck, part genetics, and part taking care of your body by eating right, exercising regularly, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with things to buy, shortcuts we can take (Ozempic for example), and exercise gizmos we can purchase to help us stay fit.

Living a healthier life begins with food, and it has to be a lifestyle choice.   There are no shortcuts although if we begin those healthy habits while we are young, a healthy lifestyle should be easy.  Scientists and dieticians have known for years that keeping inflammation low in the body markedly reduces the likelihood of developing many diseases in the colon and even many cancers.   Deflame packs from anabolic that we have in our offices can be an inexpensive way to reduce inflammation and help with our overall health. Each box is designed to last a month with a packet that contains different nutrients that will help reduce inflammation in the body.

Staying healthier is not about doctors although they can help to a point.  It comes down to us and how we choose to live.  There is no fountain of youth.

The NY Times recently looked into which longevity ideas work and are evidence-based.  Check the article below

The 7 Keys to Longevity

Ignore the hyperbaric chambers and infrared light: These are the evidence-backed secrets to aging well.

By Dana G. Smith Jan. 4, 2024

Humans have searched for the secret to immortality for thousands of years. For some people today, that quest includes things like sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber, experimenting with cryotherapy or blasting oneself with infrared light.

Most aging experts are skeptical that these actions will meaningfully extend the upper limits of the human life span. What they do believe is that by practicing a few simple behaviors, many people can live healthier for longer, reaching 80, 90 and even 100 in good physical and mental shape. The interventions just aren’t as exotic as transfusing yourself with a young person’s blood.

“People are looking for the magic pill,” said Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, the scientific director of the National Institute on Aging, “and the magic pill is already here.”

Below are seven tips from geriatricians on how to add more good years to your life.

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