Exercise and aging, exercise now for a better retirement according to the NY Times Fitness is important as we age. As we approach retirement, the research shows that the more fit we are, the better our muscles will work as we enter our retirement years. For those of you who are actively exercising and staying in shape, good for you. For those of you who are not, this article may give you some incentive to start now. If you want a better and healthier retirement, the secret to it may be in the amount of exercise you do. Exercise Makes Our Muscles Work Better With Age By Gretchen Reynolds March 30, 2016 To keep our muscles healthy deep into retirement, we may need to start working out more now, according to a new study of world-class octogenarian athletes. The study found substantial differences at a cellular level between the athletes”™ muscles and those of less active people. Muscular health is, of course, essential for successful aging. As young adults, we generally have scads of robust muscle mass. But that situation doesn”™t last. Muscles consist of fibers, each attached to a motor neuron in our spinal column by long, skinny nerve threads called axons. The fiber and its neuron are known as a muscle unit. Read more