Tag: ankle pain

Huh; The symptom was knee and ankle pain but the problem was in your upper body.

Huh; The symptom was knee and ankle pain but the problem was in your upper body. Every healthcare practitioner should at one time or another ask themselves “If what I do is so effective, why are our results so uneven” Depending on what your expectations are, healthcare providers are taught about diseases, diagnoses, and treatments for these problems.   They are taught that one size fits all.  A shoulder is a shoulder, a knee is a knee, a foot is a foot, and so on.  This is why we have a specialist for everything model and primary care is no more Read More »

How to recover from common football injuries faster while improving on the field performance.

How to recover from common football injuries faster while improving on the field performance. It is the middle of the football season. Recurring injuries may not only be preventable but may be symptoms of a problem you may not fully understand.  Pain in the ankle, knees, and hips that occur from running rather than hitting may be signs of a larger mechanical problem that involves how you move and how your body deals with the stresses of impact. Pain in the neck, shoulder, wrist or elbow may be caused by an area of the body other than where you hurt. Read More »

Repeated ankle sprains and instability; A new study shows chiropractic manipulation + rehabilition is superior to just rehabilitation alone

  Repeated ankle sprains and instability; A new study shows chiropractic manipulation + rehabilitation is superior to just rehabilitation alone. If you have an ankle that repeatedly sprains, even if you have had rehabilitation done by a physical therapist or other practitioners, you may wish to see a chiropractor instead if you want a better result. A recent study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (1)1 suggests that “the patients with a recurrent ankle sprain with functional instability who received chiropractic manipulative therapy plus rehabilitation showed a significant short-term reduction in pain and the number of joint restrictions Read More »