Tag: core strength

The buzz surrounding Pilates according to the NY Times

The buzz surrounding Pilates according to the NY Times I have recommended Pilates as a core strengthening regimen to our patients for years.  People often discover Pilates after having back or neck problems and after traditional rehab had not solved their problem or they wanted to avoid a medical procedure for herniated discs in the back, neck, or both. Pilates began years ago when Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer who originally was a gymnast and body builder promoted his techniques after successfully treating famous dancers in New York City. His unique approach to core strength and posture helped many Read More »

8 variations of planking to maximize core stability.

8 variations of planking to maximize core stability. Many articles discuss the core and how important it is for a healthy function back and gait. There are many variations of planking that claim to achieve this. The truth is, the core is not your abdominals, or your glutes, or your erectors.   It is the entire region that stabilizes you as you walk or run. It is affected by how we have adapted since we were children.  We grew, learned to walk, and adapted to our athletic activities and injuries.  Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles and organs in Read More »