Tag: cupping

Critics have recently denounced cupping, yet some of those same critics recommend useless surgeries. Check this out from the NY Times.

Critics have recently denounced cupping, yet some of those same critics recommend useless surgeries.  Check this out from the NY Times. Recently, the media and our blog reported that Michael Phelps as well as other athletes this year had embraced the practice of cupping, where suction cups would be placed on the skin to loosen tight muscles and improve mobility. When it comes to athletes, perceived benefits and the enhanced mental state it brings is good enough, and since cupping of one sort or another has been around for years, one must wonder why.   While there are different theories as Read More »

What is cupping and why do Michael Phelps and other Olympians have round blotches on their skin?

What is cupping and why do Michael Phelps and other Olympians have round blotches on their skin? For those unfamiliar with it, cupping has been around for centuries, and has been used to relieve muscular soreness and improve mobility. In Europe, cupping had been used and some people had sets of these cups that were applied to the skin to create negative pressure and offer pain relief.   In Asia, fire cupping therapy was used that did something similar and today, cups that have an ability to suction using a device that attaches to the top of the cup is used. Read More »