Tag: foot pain

Got Plantar Fasciitis?; here is some helpful advice.

Got Plantar Fasciitis?; here is some helpful advice. Plantar fasciitis is a problem that plagues many runners and non-runners alike.   Do conventional approaches work?   They may help relieve, however, some of the well-worn approaches are questionable. Most people with the condition may visit a podiatrist since they specialize in feet.  The truth is that the feet are the point of impact but may not be the reason they hurt. You may have had an injection, had foot orthotics recommended, or had been told to get a device that will stretch your calf at night.   Sometimes, these approaches will relieve the Read More »

Foot orthotics, movement training or both; What works, what doesn’t, and how to choose the right approach for you?

Foot orthotics, movement training, or both; What works, what doesn’t, and how to choose the right approach for you? A recent Medscape article which is written for healthcare providers asks the question “Do foot orthotics for foot injuries really work”? Foot orthotics are a brace that helps keep the foot in a mechanically neutral position to redistribute the forces from the ground up.   While the opinions on what they do or how they work vary, the purpose of a foot orthotic is quite simple; to level out the hips and improve the effectiveness of the way we move. The baby Read More »

Plantar fasciitis; Not a foot problem but a spring problem.

Plantar fasciitis; Not a foot problem but a spring problem. If you have had plantar fasciitis, you know the pain, the difficulties walking and if you are an avid runner, it can stop you from running altogether. Many specialists know the condition by name and many podiatrists will typically manage it with foot orthotics, injections and in the worst cases surgeries that often, do not solve the problem (but may alleviate the symptom until it again exacerbates). Physical therapists often will try to strengthen the lower leg muscles, massage them, and even use proprioceptive tape that also may give you Read More »

A new exercise for plantar fasciitis may help you get relief faster says the NY Times

A new exercise for plantar fasciitis may help you get relief faster says the NY Times Plantar fasciitis can be quite frustrating and finding a healthcare provider who understands your problem and can help you get relief can be a challenge. The typical regimens of working on the foot, and ignoring body mechanics above the foot and leg are a fool’s errand. Most doctors recommend stretching and anti-inflammatory medication, which is ineffective but commonplace. Foot orthotics can be helpful in management but the typical person who experiences the problem is built asymmetrically, have core issues and is slamming their feet Read More »