Tag: heart disease

Can a novel virus cure heart disease? Check out this NY Times article.

Can a novel virus cure heart disease? Check out this NY Times article. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA, with one in four American’s dying from heart disease according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). According to the NY Times. If a company can cure heart disease, they will make their stockholders very wealthy.  The race is on. The medical literature suggests that the ratio of LDL to HDL if changed reduces cardiac risk which has been the reason statins are frequently recommended.  While this one size fits all approach is what is a Read More »

Are we genetically pre programmed to die of heart disease?

Are we genetically pre programmed to die of heart disease? Check out this article in the Atlantic. Throughout history, humans and all animals have evolved and continue to do so.   Part of this evolution may actually be the reason behind so many people dying from heart disease. According to a new book that Haider Warraich, a fellow in cardiovascular medicine at the Duke University Medical Center is working on, the problems have to do with our immune system, and how inflammation in our modern day society is responsible for todays cardiac and circulatory problems. Inflammation is responsible for atherosclerosis, not Read More »

Something scary; The sugar industry has distorted health science for the last 50 years according to Vox science and health.

Something scary; The sugar industry has distorted health science for the last 50 years according to Vox science and health. Diabetes has become a huge problem in the USA, as well as obesity where all roads lead to sugar, whether in the form of simple carbohydrates (breads, pastas) or outright sugar such as candies, soft drinks and processed foods. Heart disease also has links to sugar as well. American’s are slowly awakening to the problems caused by sugar, and some areas of the country such as NYC have even tried to tax soda due to its affects on our health. Read More »

Runners and food; why the food you eat is important to your health according to the Wall Street Journal

Runners and food; why the food you eat is important to your health according to the Wall Street Journal Many runners do not give too much thought into the quality of the food they eat, especially since they burn so many calories. Apparently, what you eat can affect your heart health even with all that exercise. It is not unusual for a cardiac event to occur during a marathon, although many marathons such as the NY Marathon have extraordinary safety levels. The problem is, they can supply triage however, they cannot predict the health of the people who are running. Read More »