Tag: herniated disc

Lower back and leg pain from a herniated disc; who should you visit first?

Lower back and leg pain from a herniated disc; who should you visit first? On Fathers Day a number of years ago, I woke up in the morning getting ready to play softball.  Since I do physical work as a chiropractor, it didn’t seem too strange to have some lower back soreness. That Sunday my lower back felt strange but I warmed up with a foam roller, stretches, and joined the other 8 guys on the team for the morning game. This was the beginning of my lower back and leg pain experience. It was my turn at bat and Read More »

Herniated (slipped discs) in the back and neck; What consumers need to know to choose the best care to get relief

Herniated (slipped discs) in the back and neck; What consumers need to know to choose the best care to get relief All you did is bend over, hear a pop and you are now in pain. Whether this has happened before means nothing since you are having problems now that interfere with your ability to work, put on your own socks in the morning, and sitting for long periods of time is excruciating. After trying some home remedies, you decide to call someone however, whom can you trust to help you recover; an orthopedic, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, or Read More »