Tag: hip pain

Do you have a painful hip labral tear? Have you considered this naturally effective option?

Do you have a painful hip labral tear? Have you considered this naturally effective option? Athletes and people who do manual labor can develop painful hip labral tears. Some of these people may have been diagnosed with a painful hip labral tear after orthopedic tests and an MRI was performed by their doctor. The labrum, as described by the famed  Mayo Clinic is a ring of cartilage surrounding the hip joint.  The labrum helps stabilize the hip joint in the socket. Painful hip labral tears are most common in athletes such as soccer players, hockey players, golfers as well as Read More »

Is the opioid crisis the other white coat syndrome?

Is the opioid crisis the new white coat syndrome? White coat syndrome occurs when a patient has their blood pressure taken and it is temporarily high requiring an additional reading. The Opioid crisis has been created when big pharma manipulated the medical system into believing that managing pain is the same as understanding why someone hurts. Opioid addiction has unfortunately been caused by a misuse of a pain relieving product that was addictive by a profession that has a poor understanding of why people hurt. Stay away from people who wear white coats who use knives is a constant refrain Read More »

Do you have piriformis syndrome, or is the pain due to something else.

Do you have piriformis syndrome, or is the pain due to something else. If you have chronic pain in your hip, you may have been told it was piriformis syndrome.  As defined by Wikipedia, “Piriformis syndrome is a controversial condition which is believed to result from compression of the sciatic nerve around the piriformis muscle. Symptoms may include pain and numbness in the buttocks and down the leg.[Often symptoms are worsened with sitting or running.” A patient presented the other day who was a healthcare professional calling the pain piriformis syndrome. Her symptoms included chronic pain in the buttock and leg pain of three months duration that Read More »

Hip pain; The myths of bursitis and overuse and how to feel normal again without drugs or injections.

Hip pain; The myths of bursitis and overuse and how to feel normal again without drugs or injections. Have you experienced hip bursitis pain that does not self resolve, or resolve with traditional treatment approaches? The healthcare provider you see first can mean the difference between months of agony and a litany of secondary problems or effective fast relief. Hip bursitis treatment is often ineffective because where you hurt is often not why you hurt. We are now learning that many treatments such as shoulder impingement surgery or meniscus surgery for the knee are often ineffective for the same reasons. Depending on what Read More »

Hip pain, tendonitis or bursitis; Do you need therapy, a better diagnosis, or a better approach to feel better?

Hip pain, tendonitis or bursitis; Do you need therapy, a better diagnosis, or a better approach to feel better? Tendonitis or tendonosis of the hip is common diagnosis patients are given by their doctors, yet so many people find that the traditional therapy of exercises and massage  does not resolve their problem and may even aggravate it.  Some people have even had this called bursitis, however, if the reason behind why your hips are painful is not addressed, the therapy is not likely to have any long-term effectiveness. It is far more common in females than males, probably due to Read More »