Tag: knee pain

Intense weight training to relieve knee pain has been debunked; do this instead.

Intense weight training to relieve knee pain has been debunked; do this instead. Millions of people have endured medical solutions for knee pain resulting in procedures and rehabilitation regimens that are expensive and simply don’t prevent their knee problems from worsening over time.  Intense weight training for knee pain is one idea that has just been debunked. Despite what we already knew about the knee, the American College of Rheumatology and the Arthritis Foundation routinely continued to advise strength training to improve symptoms. Rehabilitation facilities give these protocols to hundreds of thousands of knee pain sufferers without producing a positive Read More »

Getting rid of IT band syndrome; helpful tips from Runners World Magazine.

Getting rid of IT band syndrome; helpful tips from Runners World Magazine. Many runners experience lateral leg pain in the hips and knees also known as IT band syndrome.  The IT or Iliotibial band is a dense tissue that runs along the lateral side of the leg from the hip to the lateral knee. Years ago, it was not uncommon for therapists to aggressively treat this tissue which was very painful and would bruise.  The problem was that the IT band would continue to retighten either from the treatment further scarring the area or because the mechanism behind it was Read More »

Balance and gait; recognizing these warning signs can prevent your next fall.

Balance and gait; recognizing these warning signs can prevent your next fall. Poor balance abilities, being clumsy, falling, and tripping over things is a common experience for many people.  If you are younger, a fall may hurt but it is not likely to cause a major injury. On the other hand, older folks can break a wrist, arm, shoulder, or hip.  These types of injuries can result in a permanent loss of function. A need for a surgical repair requiring risky anesthesia in the elderly can be devastating. If you have poor balance when you are young, it is likely Read More »

Running and your knees; science meets the belief that impact destroys your knees.

Knee pain and running; science meets the belief that impact destroys your knees. If you run and have been told that running is bad for your knees, you are not alone. Some of us as we get older cannot not handle the impact as well as we used to but new evidence suggests that running may improve the quality of the cartridge in your knees. True, some of us do poorly with impact, but the reasons for this may have less to do with one size fits all running dogma. If you are a long term reader of this blog, Read More »

The best treatment for lower back pain is movement according to Popular Science Magazine

The best treatment for lower back pain is movement according to Popular Science Magazine Chiropractors have received high ratings for their methods of treatment for back pain from Consumer Reports to Bottom Line Personal, the chiropractic approach has the best reputation for the treatment of lower back pain. A couple of years back the Annals of Internal Medicine reported on the latest research in what worked for lower back pain.  They were specific in telling people to try numerous methods that included Thai Chi, Exercise, manipulation, Massage, and a number of other methods.   What they suggested people try last was Read More »