Tag: oxycontin

What the Hulu series Dopesick did not tell you about the opioid crisis and why it happened.

What the Hulu series Dopesick did not tell you about the opioid crisis and why it happened. The Sackler family and their company, Perdue Pharma is the main villain in this story of how America developed the Opioid Crisis. While every story about bad things that happens to us needs a villain, the truth is that the greed they displayed ignores a much larger issue.  There wouldn’t have been an Opioid Crisis if medical physicians with had a better understanding of the musculoskeletal system and why people were in pain.  The truth is, they simply lack the training and while Read More »

The U.S. Surgeon General weighs in on the Opioid mess saying doctors need to change their prescribing habits now.

The U.S. Surgeon General weighs in on the Opioid mess saying doctors need to change their prescribing habits now. Vicodin and Oxycontin are two of the most cited opioid drugs that are addicting American’s by the thousands. High profile people have either died or become addicted and required rehab, because they took their doctors advice about pain meds, or got them on their own from some other source. The problem is so real that just recently, the U.S. Surgeon General sent out a letter strongly advising his colleagues that they need to change their prescribing habits. Is the problem prescribing Read More »