Tag: thumb pain

Thumb and wrist pain; Why you should see a chiropractor first.

Thumb and wrist pain; Why you should see a chiropractor first. If you have thumb and wrist pain, you may have tried wrist splints, injections or other methods to relieve the pain. Is the pain from arthritis?  Conventional wisdom suggests that is likely.  If you understand wrist, elbow, and thumb pain, you may find out that the symptom is thumb and wrist pain, but the problem is actually resulting from the pelvis, and how it affects shoulder function. How can shoulder and hip problems cause your wrist and thumb to ache? The answer has to do with the fascial system, Read More »

Thumb, shoulder, wrist, elbow and back pain; the hidden meaning behind a weak handshake

Thumb, shoulder, wrist, elbow and back pain; the hidden meaning behind a weak handshake Have you ever shaken somebody’s hand and they hand you the dead fish or a weak handshake? Other than a weak grip, there is more to a weak handshake than meets the eye. From your chiropractor’s point of view, the weak handshake can tell a lot about the body mechanics of the person who shook their hand. In our office, a handshake is a fast and easy diagnostic test for anyone with thumb, shoulder, wrist, elbow or back pain. While not traditionally considered an orthopedic test, the Read More »