Tag: whole grains

Extending your life can be as easy as eating whole grains according to the NY Times

  Extending your life can be as easy as eating whole grains according to the NY Times Living longer is partly genetic, partly our lifestyles, and partly what we eat.   Gut health has been in the news the past year and one of the things that feeds the gut are the grains we eat. The quality of grains may help the bugs in our gut bring in nutrients as well as maintain its health as a barrier to substances that may enter the bloodstream and result in auto immune type diseases. Recent studies now suggest that these grains are an Read More »

Do whole grains help you live longer and healthier?

Do whole grains help you live longer and healthier? Are grains good or bad for us? If you visit to the grocery store, there is a growing interest in avoiding breads of all types (although, many of us still love pizza). While some people are either gluten intolerant or gluten allergic, a while back, Consumer Reports had a wonderful article about the truths and myths behind gluten avoidance. Despite their efforts, many people, including me have markedly reduced our intake of breads and other whites that have become dietary pariahs, and increased the sales of gluten-free foods. While Wonder Bread Read More »