Tag: womens health

Push-ups for women; Women’s Health Magazine offers tips on how to do them right.

Push-ups for women; Women’s Health Magazine offers tips on how to do them right. More women are actively building their bodies in their local gym.   Weight lifting as the men do often results in shoulder pain and many avoidable injuries in women since they build muscle differently. Push-ups are a great way to build up the upper back muscles and improve tone and definition in the lower and mid traps as well as in the shoulder girdle.  It also adds stability the upper core region. Recently, Women’s Health magazine offered some tips on how to do push-ups properly which reduces Read More »

Why are so many women on anti depressants? One psychiatrist gives a very enlightening point of view in the NY Times

Why are so many women on anti depressants? One psychiatrist gives a very enlightening point of view in the NY Times Drugs are a huge part of the problem with healthcare costs in the USA. If you turn on the television during prime time, one drug add after another is showing us how we can live most wonderfully with the next wonder drug to solve every problem you believe you have. Unfortunately, other than the costs, it has turned many people in addicts; people like yourself. It is likely that the next accident you have with your car may be Read More »