Frozen shoulder syndrome is more than a shoulder problem; here’s how to get the help you need.

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Frozen shoulder syndrome is more than a shoulder problem; here’s how to get the help you need.

You reached into a cabinet and all of a sudden you experienced a sharp pain in your shoulder.  It is quite painful, especially when reaching it and it feels stiff as well.

You may have also had a stiff neck and lower back problems from time to time but they went away. You call your primary doctor who then first gives you medication and then sends you for therapy to the shoulder and tells you that you have a frozen shoulder otherwise known as adhesive capsulitis.  After a very painful four months of therapy, the shoulder is feeling better, but now the lower back hurts.  Not only that but your elbow is sore and feels like it always needs to pop.  You also notice that although the shoulder no longer hurts, it is restricted in certain directions.

If this sounds familiar to you, you are not alone.  Why are so many things breaking down in your body and what are the doctors and therapists missing? After all, they all have medical degrees, take insurance, wear white coats and understand the body better than you do, or do they?

shoulder Joint Capsule

How to get frozen shoulder and other shoulder arm and wrist problems to resolve naturally.

A frozen shoulder AKA adhesive capsulitis requires a generalist approach to the musculoskeletal system. What most people experience with their regular doctor is a disease-based system that has little understanding of the mechanics of the body and wants to direct their evaluations and care to the symptomatic part.   In the case of adhesive capsulitis, this is the shoulder.

The first approach most medical doctors will try is a medication that does not solve mechanical problems.

They will then send you for therapy to the painful part which may include exercises and stretching a few times a week.   Many patients do experience relief over a few months with frozen shoulders.  Unfortunately, since this approach ignores the rest of the body, other parts now malfunction even though the shoulder is feeling better.   Isn’t there a better way?

Before we discuss better approaches, notice other people walking around you and you may realize when they walk, their shoulder moves as part of their body.   Some may have a limp and not realize it while others may not have any movement in their hips or one hip rides up.   What you are discovering is that we move as a unit.   The shoulder is part of that unit.   Does it make sense to evaluate and treat shoulder problems as if they exist in a vacuum?

Why see a chiropractor first for shoulder pain?

To fully understand most non-traumatic shoulder pain, you must evaluate the entire body.   From this practitioner’s experience, I have never seen a shoulder problem that wasn’t affected by the lower body.  Often, shoulder capsules tighten due to poor patterns of movement that may not be painful for years.

Consider your own history.   Have you had back pain, foot pain, hip pain or even elbow pain before the shoulder problem, even if this was years ago?   The lower body always will compensate for the upper body which is why you cannot take a history, only look at the shoulder and not ask other questions during a history.   The evaluation should look at everything from your nose to your toes.

As sports chiropractors are uniquely trained to take a thorough,  holistic approach to musculoskeletal problems. They are your best first choice to properly diagnose a shoulder problem properly.

Sports chiropractors are trained to diagnose problems both on and off the field.   They understand the mechanisms of movement and how things work mechanically.  Unlike most medical providers, they understand and take a primary care approach to the musculoskeletal system.   Chiropractic sports physicians are a one-stop shop for all things musculoskeletal.

What to expect on a chiropractic visit for a frozen shoulder?

  • A thorough history.
  • A thorough exam of not just your shoulder but everything that can affect it.
  • A treatment on the first day usually includes manipulation of the joints, soft tissue manipulation, and instructions and an explanation of what the doctor is finding during their evaluation of you.
  • Follow-up treatments work toward improving how you move and reducing the effect of other body parts on the shoulder.
  • Exercises are given to strengthen the involved areas.
  • Often, foot orthotics are recommended to help strengthen and rehabilitate an area.
  • X-rays may be performed if other problems are suspected than require radiologic viewing.

Your chiropractic sports physician will do what is necessary to help you solve your problem (s) in the most efficient and thorough way while trying to avoid unnecessary and harmful tests and interventions.

Need help now.   Book online here.