Huffington Posts Show Charts That Explains the High Cost of Healthcare in the USA

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Huffington Posts Show Charts That Explains the High Cost of Healthcare in the USA

This article is interesting since it shows where the cost drivers are in the USA. Among the largest of the cost drivers is the cost of drugs, yet, we as Americans do not visit the doctor as much as other countries may do. Other cost drivers are what medical procedures cost as compared to other countries. Check this out

The U.S. leads the world in health care spending, but we don’t live very long, and going to the doctor is so expensive that we don’t do it very often. So where is the money going?

Not toward obesity-related diseases or unnecessary tests and treatments, as the writer John Green pointed out in a recent video explainer. From Lipitor to childbirth to colonoscopies — everything just costs a whole lot.

As congressional Republicans continue to keep the federal government closed following misguided attempts to defund the most significant health care reform in decades, here are some illustrations of the wasteful spending.

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