I nausea cybersickness, an effect being reported by some users of the new iphone 5s

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Inausea cybersickness, an effect being reported by some users of the new iphone 5s

The new iphone has been out for about a week. I was due for an update and I got one and think it is great, with improved batter life, etc. Some people are reporting another non reported feature which includes dissiness, nausea and headaches, which are symptoms often associated with 3D movies with some people.

Apparently, some of the newest features may have an adverse effect on some people, however, those features can be turned off. Check out this blog.

Your New iPhone Can Cause “Cyber-Sickness”, iNausea, Dizziness, Headaches, Literally

Following the release of Apple’s iOS7, users complained of dizziness and headaches. Initially, the complaints were dismissed, but closer scrutiny reveals the complaints are valid.
Please consider the Extreme Tech report on iOS 7 nausea and cybersickness: What causes it, and why it’s a sign of things to come.

It seems that Apple’s new iOS 7 is so advanced that it’s actually causing cybersickness — nausea caused by the combination of a high-resolution screen, the parallax effect on the Home screen, and the zooming in and out of apps.
Some victims say that using iOS 7 is like trying to read in a car, causing the same associated symptoms: dizziness, headaches, and even that nasty feeling of needing to vomit. Medical doctors and psychologists say that cybersickness is becoming more prevalent as frame rates and display resolutions increase. The iOS 7 nausea can be partially mitigated by changing some settings, which we’ll discuss below, but with downgrading to iOS 6 now disabled Apple has left many customers high and dry.
There has to be a way to turn this off,” wrote one iOS 7 user on the Apple Support site. “The zoom animations everywhere on the new iOS 7 are literally making me nauseous and giving me a headache. It’s exactly how I used to get car sick if I tried to read in the car,” wrote another.
Just like motion sickness, cybersickness is caused by disagreement between your eyes and the movement perceived by your balance system (the vestibular system in your inner ear). Historically, cybersickness is most commonly associated with huge IMAX cinema screens or 3D cinema — where your brain thinks you’re moving but you’re not — but it can also apply to smaller displays as well, such as the iPhone or iPad.

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