Immunity debt, and our coming cold and flu season.

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Immunity debt, and our coming cold and flu season.

It sure seems that those who weren’t getting colds during the pandemic have some doozies.

My Nephews kids are having some crazy flu, covid, and other stuff that has been circulating way before the masks had come off.

I have been saying for a while that we have adapted to our air, our atmosphere, and breathing each other’s air.   Wearing masks reduced that contact markedly resulting in no or minimal cold and flu seasons during the pandemic.

Masking gets in the way of how we have adapted.  Is there any surprise that once the masks came off and we shared the air, there were more colds as we had gotten in the way of our normal immune functions? The normal micro dosing that helps us fight things off in the background didn’t occur and as a result, the colds are more severe or at least they seem to be.

Vox magazine did an article on this which explains why many of us are having these colds more severe than before the pandemic.   And by the way, if you haven’t had covid, its coming for you but due to vaccination and the modification of the virus, in a less severe form.

Check out the Vox article below

There’s no such thing as a good cold

“Immunity debt” can explain this year’s eye-popping cold and flu season — but it can also be dangerously misinterpreted.

By Keren Landman@landmanspeaking Nov 29, 2022, 10:20am EST

This fall, America’s pediatric hospitals have been overwhelmed by a “tri-demic” of RSV, flu, and Covid-19. And while it’s not a surprise to see respiratory viral infections hit hard at this time of year, what is surprising is to see so many of these viruses hit so many parts of the country so hard at the same time.

Why is everyone so sick, so simultaneously? One explanation that’s gotten a lot of airtime is the concept of “immunity debt,” coined by a group of French pediatric infectious disease experts in an August 2021 publication.

A central premise of immunity debt is that for many infectious diseases, repeat infections are milder than the first infection. The authors hypothesized that after several pandemic years during which masks, distancing, and ventilation protected so many people from initial infections with a range of viruses, more people than usual would be catching certain diseases for the first — and worst — time now that those protections are not as strongly in place.

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