Important good news for our Aetna subscribers from Dr. C For those of you who have Aetna and were disappointed that we have elected not to sign on to their new contract which was in our view unsignable, apparently, Aetna is not rushing to push their doctors who refused to sign the contract modification out so fast. I spoke with their representative today who informed me that any doctor who refused to sign the contract change will eventually be removed from the networks, however, Aetna, will be keeping them on in their PPO networks for the near future. Under Triad who handles the HMO, apparently this is the same. What this means for you is that we will continue in their networks under our current contract until they decide we cannot. Personally, I think too many doctors refused to sign their paperwork, forcing them to reconsider. For now, we will maintain our participation until we are told we cannot under our current terms.