Lower Back Pain Study Shows Chiropractic is Most Effective Treatment Long Term I was reading today about a new study that confirmed what many of our patients already know; Chiropractic offers the best outcomes for lower back pain. The study was published in the December 2010 edition of The Spine Journal. The study found that after 16 weeks of care , patients who were referred to medical doctors saw little or no improvement in their disability scores, were likely to still be taking pain meds and saw no benefit with added physical therapy, yet, they were unlikely to be referred to a doctor of chiropractic.Read the article your self at (http://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=55150). Overall, they found that chiropractic patients saw marked improvements with return to normal activities, where the medically treated groups had physical limitations. Over the years, we have received more and more referrals from the medical community, and those who refer and thrilled with the outcomes, and often continue to refer. Some have even become patients themselves when they see the outcomes we are capable of. Those who know our office also know I have a somewhat different eye for diagnosis and applied treatment, however, those who do not receive manipulation which improves joint function become chronic sufferers of back pain or in some cases, become surgical candidates. My advice for anyone who has lower back pain; 1. See a chiropractor first. If the condition is more serious (organic, life threatening), they will refer you to the appropriate physician. I have hand picked those physicians I deal with, and have great working relationships with them. I make sure you find the right people if I cannot help, and chiropractors are trained to refer those who they cannot help. 2. You should improve with care at least 50% within the first month of care. If you do not, your doctor must either change treatment, send you out for diagnostic testing or refer you to a higher level specialist. Ineffective care does not become effective without changing something. I have often found that changing a protocol in the middle of care if I am not happy with the persons progress will move things along positively, for most people. As a patient, always communicate with your doctor, letting them know what is improving and what is not. 3. Always have your feet checked. Gait asymmetry will create mechanical problems in the pelvis and is a common cause of chronic back problems. What do you think? I value your opinion. Your can email me directly at [email protected]