Is plantar fasciitis stopping you from enjoying life? Check out the latest article from the NY Times and some tips from Dr. C.

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Is plantar fasciitis stopping you from enjoying life? Check out the latest article from the NY Times and some tips from Dr. C.

If you developed plantar fasciitis, there are a number of therapies or treatments you can use that may not work equally as well.   One of those is the idea of a night splint that stretches the plantar fascia.  Another is a foot orthotic, and another is a deep massage of the feet.

A recent NY Times article discussed many of these commonly suggested solutions for the condition and discussed their limitations.

The belief that plantar fasciitis is merely a foot problem is part of the problem.  Plantar fasciitis develops from impact, and it is common in those of us who are built asymmetrically and in those of us who have certain types of body mechanics.   If you have flat feet you are more prone to it.  If you have high arches, you are also prone to it.  People who are bowlegged will bear weight on the outside of their feet which also increases the impact on the foot, calf, and leg.

Treating the point of impact may make sense until you begin to realize that there is a mechanism that involves the entire body which causes the impact problem.   For a comprehensive understanding of what plantar fasciitis really is and how to treat it, check out our previous article here.

Treatment is only appropriate if it addresses the reasons why you are impacting so hard.   This requires us to look at the pelvis, the legs, and even the upper body.  Did you develop some poor running habits and adaptations?

A sports chiropractor will use a comprehensive approach of myofascial release, spinal and extremity adjustments as well as corrective exercises.   Those who specializes in runners may put you on a treadmill and do a short video to help you understand which bad habits you have developed and how you can correct them.  They may also use foot orthotics to level your hips however, the right foot orthotics must be chosen if they are off the shelf or a custom one may be indicated, however, casting technique is very important to the success of a custom insole.

Chiropractors who work with runners rarely would recommend a device to stretch the plantar fascia, as this is not only unproven but does not solve the problem of tight fascia in the legs and impact.

Check out the NY Times article here

Healing Your Feet, and Finding a Balance in Following Doctor’s Orders

With plantar fasciitis and other ailments, a key is a realistic therapy routine you can fit into your day.

By Austin FraktbApril 15, 2019

People rarely follow a doctor’s orders to the letter.

We often seek treatments that meet our preferences, and bend them around our personal routines and responsibilities.

This isn’t necessarily a problem. A treatment you don’t (or can’t) follow won’t help you, so the odds are better if you pick one you can.

In addition, not every treatment works for everyone — sometimes the best treatment we have works for just one of 10 people.

These truths came to mind as I recently addressed my plantar fasciitis — an injury to the tissue in the underside of the foot causing heel pain and afflicting about 10 percent of the population. I’d unwisely been trying for about six months to ignore the condition in both my feet. I kept walking to work and standing once I got there (by choice — I have a desk job) despite the discomfort.

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