UnitedHealth antitrust violations are being investigated as reported by Reuters.

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UnitedHealth antitrust violations are being investigated as reported by Reuters.

Being a patient in the USA is more frustrating than ever, especially since health insurers reinforced by the Affordable Care Act have caused massive consolidation in the industry. Regulators watched as it happened in both healthcare and other industries.

Patients no longer have easy access to their doctors and in many cases, their doctor can no longer afford to be in private practice, while hospitals are hiring doctors as they lose their autonomy.

Regulators are finally waking up as we are noticing with the denial of the Jet Blue merger of Spirit Airlines into a much larger airline.   Those who believe the experience of consolidation has been great for their experiences or their wallets are a minority at best.

According to Reuters, investigators have asked about issues including certain relationships between the company’s UnitedHealthcare insurance unit and its Optum health services arm, which owns physician groups, among other assets. UnitedHealth antitrust violations should not be tolerated and are bad for the healthcare system and healthcare costs.

UHC through their Optum health services has bragged about how effective their chiropractors are yet we are paid at depression levels and they do not pay for our sometimes quite time-consuming examinations. Many doctors have dropped UHC because of their low reimbursements and other policies while they make billions for themselves and their investors.     Cigna is likely going to be next with their merger a few years ago of CVS and their activities using American Speciality Health to do their bidding while they restrict care both in and out of network while harming hard-working doctors.

Will this mean anything after the damage has already been done to competition and our systems of healthcare?

Check out the Reuters press release here