What is fascia and how does it control how we move and feel? Our patients often hear me explain the concept of fascia, fascial release, the importance of proper firing patterns, Fascia, and how it affects how we feel and function. Fascia works like an exoskeleton, and while years ago, it was mostly ignored by researchers, we now understand that it has its own vasculature, nervous system networks, and how muscle function is dependent on the fascia. Science is gradually showing us that the fascial system can be important in understanding why we hurt. Why chiropractic and fascia are important in helping you function and feel good. In the world of chiropractic medicine, joint mobility is dependent on joint flexibility, fascia, and the ability of structures to glide against one another. Manipulation of the joints by chiropractors is far more effective when combined with myofascial therapies such as fascial release that make it easier to resolve joint restrictions. Training muscles also depends on fascia so therapeutic exercises with fascial dysfunction usually fails as part of a rehabilitation regimen. When you combine myofascial release with chiropractic manipulation and exercises, your likelihood of resolving painful back and neck improves markedly. When using holistic approaches to care like chiropractors do, and recognizing how the fascia affects movement, you get more effective treatment and better long term results. Prevention magazine just did an informative article on what the myofascia is and what it does. Check it out below What Is Fascia? Experts Explain the Tissue That’s Crucial to Preventing Pain Plus, three ways to treat fascia for pain relief. MERYL DAVIDS LANDAUPUBLISHED: JAN 30, 2023 Most of us know a bit about bones, joints, organs, muscles, and nerves, but we may not have considered how it all stays together. The fascia is the answer. But, what is fascia? In the most basic terms, fascia is a spiderweb of connective tissue found throughout the body. And when it goes awry, it can cause all sorts of pain. Take Erin Scott, a 43-year-old paralegal in Baltimore, for example. She was pleased when her Stage II breast cancer went into remission thanks to chemo, two surgeries, and radiation. But the treatments left her with a common post-surgical inflammation known as frozen shoulder: Erin felt such severe stiffness in her left arm that she couldn’t reach for a glass in the cabinet or put her coat on. Frustrated, Erin finally turned to a different kind of practitioner, one who specialized in working the fascia. Read more Need relief of your back, neck, foot, knee, hip or shoulder problems now? Book online here