Which fish is safest for you to eat? Consumer reports explains which fish are lowest in Mercury.

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  sushi Which fish is safest for you to eat? Consumer reports explains which fish are lowest in Mercury. My friends and I all love sushi. I personally love most types of fish, including fresh Tuna as well as snapper. Many of you love fish as well and are well aware that fish needs to be part of our regular diets since certain nutrients are important for our health. There has been a growing concern that certain types of fish have high amounts of mercury. Where does this mercury come from? Unfortunately, we have continued to pollute the oceans and Mercury is a byproduct of our activities that makes it through the small fish and plants into the larger fish and finally into the fish we eat. Some fish are more prone to having higher levels of mercury, and Consumer Reports has done its homework on which fish are best for you and which ones need to be eaten in smaller quantities to avoid health problems associated with Mercury. If you do not currently subscribe to Consumer Reports, you should. Their opinions are unbiased and they do not change opinions due to the whims of advertisers.   Check out the article here

The government wants you to eat more seafood. The key to limiting your risk is choosing the right fish.

he great fish debate

When you grill a piece of salmon or have a fish taco for lunch, you're getting a good source of high-protein food that provides important nutrients. And if you're a woman who is pregnant or nursing, that fish contains important fuel for your baby's brain development.

In fact, fish is seen as such a beneficial food that the Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency recently came out with proposed new guidelines recommending that women of childbearing age and young children eat more of it. But if Americans follow those guidelines without careful attention to which species they are consuming, they could end up taking in too much mercury. (Learn how mercury gets into fish.)

Though the agencies say consumers should seek out fish that are low in mercury, almost all seafood contains the toxin in varying amounts, and getting too much of it can damage the brain and nervous system. That is especially true for fetuses, but children and adults who eat too much high-mercury seafood also can suffer harmful effects such as problems with fine motor coordination, speech, sleep, and walking, and prickly sensations. (Read "Sick From Sushi," which details how one fish lover felt the effects of mercury.)

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