Tag: running

What causes shin splints according to  Dr. Charschan?

What causes shin splints according to  Dr. Charschan? If you run, you could have experienced shin splints.   This is especially true if you are bowlegged, have high arches, or have flat feet. While many sources including USA Today describe shin splints as an overuse injury that results in micro-tears along the front of the shins, the overuse myth is alive and well in many doctor’s belief systems. The truth about shin pain in runners and other sports. In my experience, based on over 26 years as the Medical Director for USATF NJ, shin splints can be felt as knee pain Read More »

Is walking or running better for our overall health?

Is walking or running better for our overall health? If you were wondering whether walking or running was better for your health, the NY Times recently covered this with this recent article. Many of those who live in Europe and eat the Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and better lives.  Part of this is eating farm-to-table for most of their lives.  This may be one of the reasons many of these countries have lower health costs although the culture of healthcare is also different, used differently with better eating habits (foot is medicine) and healthier overall lifestyles. In the Read More »

How to increase your running mileage safely and avoid injury according to Runners World Magazine.

How to increase your running mileage safely and avoid injury according to Runners World Magazine A few weeks ago our office had several patients who were training for the NY Marathon. Part of the training regimen which takes place over many months involves slowly increasing your mileage until you can tolerate a few longer runs before the race. Part of the group I worked with had problems but continued to attempt to run through them.   A common assumption is that with running comes pain.  What type of pain is normal from the longer runs and what type of pain is Read More »

How to run more efficiently while minimizing injuries and pain.

How to run more efficiently while minimizing injuries and pain. Why do some of us have more difficulty with running than others?  Are we attempting to run too many miles too fast?  Is it our shoe?  Is it bad running habits? If you read many of the articles in Runners World and many other magazines, there are always going to be articles about speed work, plantar fasciitis, IT band issues, and even back pain. These articles are designed to get you to read the magazine but their one-size-fits-all suggestions often fail to help most of us figure out why we Read More »

Expert advice on when to replace your running shoes.

Expert advice on when to replace your running shoes. Running shoes must fit properly and be the right type for your foot and body style.  For most of us, finding the right shoe is a matter of trial and error. When should your shoes be replaced?  Experts from Shape magazine offer some good advice on when they should be replaced. Runners who are training and put on hundreds of miles often do best when they have two shoes to alternate with.  Sometimes two different shoes can help you avoid injury. Other times, recognizing when your shoes are no longer supportive Read More »