Lower Kinetic Chain Retraining Exercises

The first two exercises are to be performed daily. You will begin these standing on one leg straight. When you can do this without shaking too much for 30 seconds on each leg, then perform an additional 30 seconds daily with eyes closed. Then as this improves, do it with the leg bent and then with the leg bent, eyes closes for a total of 2 minutes on each leg. This can take up to 3 months or more to achieve the appropriate level of strength and balance. Be sure to balance from the hips, not the knee.

Leg Straight 

Leg Bent 

Peroneals, Tibialis and Gastroc 

Balance Sponge 

Lateral Leg Lift 

Lateral leg lifts will help strengthen the tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius muscles. Begin with 10 reps and increase to 50-60 by performing every other day.

Hip Extensions 

Hip extension exercises are an ideal way to strengthen the Gluteal muscles. Strong gluteal muscles will result in loser hamstrings and overall looser posterior leg muscles. Begin with 10 repetitions and work toward 50-60 repetitions increasing by 2-4 every other day as tolerated.