Tag: alternative care

Young doctors are voting to suppress alternative medical info according to Whole Health Chicago

Young doctors are voting to suppress alternative medical info according to Whole Health Chicago In the United States, main stream medicine often has failed to quickly embrace adventurous and often surprisingly effective health care approaches that do not fit inside their testing – medicinal – surgical approach to the symptoms many people experience. This approach has harmed many people over the years, from unnecessary and harmful treatment of prostate growths, scare tactics and medicinal approaches that do little to improve the quality of our lives while causing diseases that may have never occurred (statins for instance). Some doctors such as Read More »

Fans of alternative / complementary medicine get the word out; reasons to consider a non medical provider for what ails you.

Fans of alternative / complementary medicine get the word out; reasons to consider a non medical provider for what ails you. Many chiropractic patients have been through it all; the tests, the procedures, the drugs and the fear of what if. What if they had only visited the chiropractor first? What if they visited another type of provider first? Most of us have been indoctrinated into the healthcare system and warned that if we do not use it first, our lives could be in jeopardy. On the other hand, NPR suggests an average of 210,000 and 440,000 patients die from Read More »