Tag: breathing

What is slipping rib syndrome?

What is slipping rib syndrome? According to Medical News Today, “Slipping rib syndrome is a condition where the lower ribs slip away from their usual position. It occurs because of a defect or hypermobility in the cartilage that connects the ribs to the rib cage.” Slipping rib syndrome can cause a person to feel pain in their abdomen, lower chest, and lower back. The condition is rare, and it can often be difficult to diagnose. The constant slippage of the rib is also associated with past trauma, muscular degeneration, deformed rib cartilage in the lower ribs where the condition usually Read More »

Proper breathing techniques can change your life; here is some great advice from the experts.

Proper breathing techniques can change your life; here is some great advice from the experts. Breathing;  we all need to do it but do we breathe properly? It has been claimed that proper breathing can improve your digestion, heart, lung, and organ function and may even reduce your blood pressure and anxiety. Over the years, I have learned techniques for proper breathing and they do help me feel better.  Does it improve all the functions stated above? Breathing is important because it allows us to exchange oxygen which is transported through the blood to the rest of the body.  Without Read More »

Pain free body building using the basics of breathing, a guest post

Pain free body building using the basics of breathing, a guest post. The world of fitness & exercise, whether to look better or perform better, is filled with flashy click bait and devoid of what really matters; fundamentals. Touching your toes should be as easy as blowing your nose, but usually it’s not. Confused? My potential clients claim they have tight hamstrings or that their backs are stiff. Hello!  Herein lies the problem. These same potential clients are dragging their bones, joints, and muscles through another boot-camp, distance run, or Cross-fit class only to pop pills afterwards because they are Read More »