Tag: chronic pain

Frozen shoulder, neck pain and back pain; what is the connection?

Frozen shoulder, neck, and back pain; what is the connection? A patient developed lower back and shoulder pain over the pandemic and believed it was due to working at home with less-than-perfect ergonomic conditions. Her lower back pain evolved into shoulder pain which took months of therapy to improve.   More recently the pain developed into the right shoulder and she endured months of therapy again which did little to resolve her pain.  She was told numerous things by the orthopedic who had ordered MRI scans of the shoulders, and lower back and was told she had conditions that did not Read More »

Chronic pain is more common than diabetes or depression according to a new study. Is it any surprise that more people are considering chiropractic first?

Chronic pain is more common than diabetes or depression according to a new study. Is it any surprise that more people are considering chiropractic first? Segmented care one size fits all care for conditions such as back pain, neck pain, or knee pain may well be a disease affecting the healthcare professions. While most people are used to hearing about diseases, the truth is that this type of care leads to overtesting, dogmatic procedures designed to relieve a symptom but fails to ever cure, manage or even relieve a problem in a cost-effective way. Recently, a patient experiencing leg, knee, Read More »

The link between sleep and chronic pain according to a recent animal based study.

The link between sleep and chronic pain according to a recent animal-based study. In 1990, when a committee reviewed all the chronic pain cases that resulted in the disease eventually called fibromyalgia, the link to sleep was notable. After many years of treating chronic pain, and polymyalgia cases, very few fibromyalgia-diagnosed cases were a good fit for the diagnosis. However, in most of the cases, sleep was affected. Perhaps this is why Lyrica became a central part of the medical treatment of this now-created disease.  Lyrica was a prescription sleep aid used in Europe and apparently, it helped somewhat with Read More »

Chronic lower back, shoulder and neck pain and reciprocal twins.

Chronic lower back, shoulder, and neck pain and reciprocal twins. What is a reciprocal twin?    A reciprocal twin is when you develop a problem in a hip capsule and it affects the opposite shoulder on the other side due to mechanical and neurological adaptations, the most common being shoulder impingement, rib pain, or a frozen shoulder.   You can also develop these problems on the same side as well where the hip affects the shoulder.   Conversely, a chronic shoulder problem can affect the hips, in the same way, altering the way you walk and resulting in lower back pain. A Read More »

The frozen shoulder that wasn’t and how to get the right care for you.

The frozen shoulder that wasn’t and how to get the right care for you. Patients are often diagnosed with all sorts of shoulder conditions based on their symptoms rather than the functional reason for the pain.   It seems that they are often inevitably sent to an orthopedic who inevitably after taking some x-rays and injecting the shoulder refers them to someone else who follows a prescription for therapy to the area of complaint. This one size fits all approach often fails to resolve the problem since it works on the symptom while improperly diagnosing why your shoulder hurts. Typical one Read More »