Tag: cold

It’s cold, covid ,and flu season; which foods help you recover faster?

It’s cold, covid, and flu season; which foods help you recover faster? This cold, covid, and flu season has been bad as the masks come off and we look to find normal. Chicken soup also known as Jewish penicillin always seems to be a common thing to have and it seems to help.  Depending on whom you speak with, they may have their own regimen or cocktail to help you overcome the cold and find recover quickly.   In my case, I recommend Vitamin C, Zinc tabs, Alpha glycosyl, and Nettle for the symptoms and to help your body fight off Read More »

Cold, covid and flu season? Some thoughts from Dr. C.

Cold, covid, and flu season? Some thoughts from Dr. C. Cold and flu season is typically from December through February.   This year, 2021 things are different. In the Northeast, where we live, reports from two months ago were saying that this was going to be one of the worst Flu seasons, although current data shows us that the Flu is the least of our worries.  This, as I reported earlier this year is likely due to fewer people doing international travel and the newer strains people are being vaccinated against are not coming to the USA. It is also true Read More »