Tag: musculoskeletal pain

The Agatha Christie “whodunit” approach to diagnosis doesn’t work when diagnosing why you hurt; here’s why.

The Agatha Christie “whodunit” approach to diagnosis doesn’t work when diagnosing why you hurt; here’s why. Everyone who watched the series House on Television has seen the mythic Dr. House diagnose all these difficult-to-diagnose cases when other doctors were unable to figure out the case.  Of course, this led to the proper treatment and a miracle cure for the patient. In the musculoskeletal realm, patients often have echoed this with terms like sciatica when they have leg pain or a pinched nerve that they were told they had by another healthcare practitioner.   Sometimes patients are told they may have a Read More »

Chiropractic care for neck and back problems first? Here’s the evidence that has been ignored for years.

Chiropractic care for neck and back problems first? Here’s the evidence that has been ignored for years. The evidence for visiting a chiropractor first has been building for years. As it’s been said, who you see first for a problem will determine the safety, effectiveness, and cost.   Chiropractors, who are physician-level providers specialize in the primary care holistic approach to the musculoskeletal system. Their unique skills of combining exercise, myofascial work and manipulation have been shown to be very effective at improving solving physical problems without the use of drugs, surgeries or other invasive methods. Follow the evidence…  “The pathway Read More »

Vertigo, dizziness and balance problems improve following chiropractic office visits; here’s why.

Vertigo, dizziness and balance problems improve following chiropractic office visits; should you visit a chiropractor first? Many people experience vertigo and dizziness, and the problem seems to come out of nowhere. Often, when the problem fails to go away, many people head to the Otolaryngologist (ears, nose and throat specialist) since problems in the inner ear are often associated with the condition. Many of us believe that something serious must be wrong, including a brain lesion, or a problem in the inner ear, yet most tests including MRI scans are negative and are simply not helpful. In reality, only a Read More »